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Wireframe Redesign

Website: Rover P6 Parts and Services

Website Chart

Project Overview 

This project aimed at improving the Information architecture of the website Rover P6 Parts.

This website is for providing parts and services for Car called Rover P6. But the website is too cluttered and there were many issues from IA point of view, This project was part of my Information architecture in practice class under Professor Kate W. Where I worked on improving the architecture of this website. This project involved information architecture, and the final deliverable was a wireframe that was provided.


2 Months







Little bit about Business

  • Mark & Angie Gray are the owners of MGBD parts and services.

  • They have 30 years of experience owning, reparation, restoring, and running Rover P6 in all models.

  • They have had 25 years of involvement in car clubs mostly at the committee level and turned specialist knowledge and experience on rover P6 parts business named “MGBD parts and services”

  • Their business supplies quality parts for all variants of Rover P6

  • They also attend many shows and events throughout the UK during the entire year.


Research Method


User Survey

User surveys are super important in the process of creating user personas and scenarios.


Persona Defining

In order to develop user scenarios, I began by creating user personas, and also conducted secondary research to assist in this process.


User Scenarios

User scenarios are comprehensive depictions of a user - usually a persona - that outline practical situations pertinent to the design of a solution.


Redesigned wireframe

The final step in the process was to create wireframes based on the user scenarios.

User Survey

User surveys are crucial in forming user personas and scenarios, providing designers with insights into user preferences, behaviors, and challenges. These personas are then used to craft scenarios that simulate real-life interactions with the product or service, ensuring it meets user needs at every step. This approach enhances user experience, enables prioritization of key features, and ensures the product or service is user-centric and effective.

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User Survey Analysis

To develop user personas, I conducted a comprehensive user research survey that garnered 10 insightful responses. Based on the data collected, I was able to derive the following key insights:

Quotes from Survey results:




User Persona

Personas depict the characteristics and attributes of your users.


User Scenarios

User scenarios are detailed descriptions of a user – typically a persona – that describe realistic situations relevant to the design of a solution.

Scenarios are stories for design.

User Scenario 1

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Jake is passionate about classic cars, especially the Rover P6. He appreciates the authenticity of original parts and are willing to invest in high-quality components to keep their vehicles in top condition. He has high level of technical knowledge and enjoy working on their cars themselves. He value reliability and quality and are willing to pay a premium for genuine parts.

Scenario: While browsing MGBD Parts and Services for Rover P6 parts, Jake, a car enthusiast with medium technical knowledge, values the website's reliable and quality options and appreciates the straightforward "Contact Us" page offering multiple contact methods.

User Scenario 2

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Jessica has always been passionate about classic cars, especially the Rover P6. she has been saving up for years to purchase her dream car and is finally ready to make the investment. Jessica is a tech-savvy person who values reliability, quality, and authenticity. she has spent a lot of time researching different options and wants to make an informed decision to ensure that she gets the best value for her money.



Jessica, stranded on the road due to a mechanical failure in her Rover P6, quickly turns to MGBD Parts and Services for help, recalling their On-Site Services page and easily accessing it on her phone.

User Scenario 3

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Frank has a passion for classic cars and has been collecting them for over 50 years. He owns several classic cars, including a Rover P6, which holds a special place in his heart. Over the years, Frank has restored and maintained his cars himself, but he is now looking for help to service his Rover P6 as he is finding it more challenging to do it on his own. Frank values quality workmanship and reliability and is willing to pay a premium for the services he requires.



Discovering the Events page on the Rover P6 Parts website, Frank finds an upcoming classic car show featuring Rover P6 cars and a forum for owners to connect and share experiences. Excitedly joining the forum, he immerses himself in discussions on various aspects of classic car maintenance and restoration, finding a passionate community. His active participation leads to attending the car show, where he enjoys the display of restored Rover P6 cars and makes friends with fellow enthusiasts.

Redesigning Website

Redesign Explained...

The original vertical navigation bar was overly complex, featuring 13 top-level navigations as well as a second-level hierarchy that resulted in a cumbersome list. In response, I optimized the navigation bar by consolidating it to only 7 options, resulting in a more user-friendly interface that reduces cognitive load and improves recall.

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The initial website lacked a cohesive structure. To rectify this, I implemented a content chunking strategy and incorporated visually appealing elements to enhance its overall organization and presentation.

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The core business of parts sales and servicing was not effectively highlighted, prompting me to take action by creating two prominent hero sections that effectively drew user attention to this aspect of the business.


The core business of parts sales and servicing was not effectively highlighted, prompting me to take action by creating two prominent hero sections that effectively drew user attention to this aspect of the business.

By considering a user scenario where an individual may be stranded on the road and in need of towing services, I strategically placed a "Call Now" call-to-action button to facilitate quick and easy access to the necessary assistance.

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Incorporating a dedicated section for transparent pricing is crucial to providing a positive user experience. By clearly displaying pricing information, users can easily assess the cost of services without having to contact customer care, ultimately leading to a more streamlined and efficient experience.

Page Hierarchy  


Feedback - Reiterations

Based on the feedback received from professor and my peers, i have made following updates to my design.

In navigation bar word “ Webstore” was somewhat confusing hence I changed it to “Our Store”

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Feedback: Is there only ever one car for sale? If not, the singular "Car for sale" is inaccurate.

Based on this feedback I changed it to “Cars for Sale”

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Feedback: The category "Links" underneath Rover News is extremely vague. The label should assist the user with anticipating what content they will find, and "Links" could refer to anything on the internet.

Based on this feedback i made changes and created a separate page where this business can host the links to external pages according to demand.

What I learned

  1. The importance of maintaining a clear and organized information architecture on websites

  2. Recognizing the negative impact of clutter and information architecture issues on user experience

  3. Understanding the specific needs and requirements of a niche audience (Rover P6 model owners)

  4. Identifying and addressing information architecture issues to enhance usability and user satisfaction

  5. The value of conducting an in-depth analysis and evaluation of an existing website's information architecture

  6. The role of wireframes as a valuable deliverable in information architecture projects

  7. The iterative nature of information architecture improvements requires continuous assessment and refinement

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